vet-n-pet DIRECT

MyPet Magazine - Issue 11

vet-n-pet DIRECT Online Autumn Catalogue

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uFEATURED ARTICLE 8 | my pet magazine Heartworms are the most dangerous worm to affect dogs, however they are preventable. Adult heartworms will live in the dog's heart and pulmonary arteries, eventually causing heart failure and resulting in death if it is left untreated. Heartworm is spread from host to host by mosquitoes and is therefore more common in the subtropical and tropical areas. When an infected mosquito bites a dog it transfers the heartworm larvae to the dog's bloodstream. The larvae will then develop into an adult heartworm in the cardiac or pulmonary arteries where it can grow up to 30cm long. There are usually no signs or symptoms that a dog has been infected with heartworm until the heartworm becomes an adult. The most common symptom of heartworm infection is the development of a cough. Initially the cough may be mild but as the heartworm infestation continues the cough will become more persistent and severe. The dog will often show an intolerance to exercise, often coughing, having breathing difficulties and tiring quickly. As the heartworm disease advances other symptoms may include weight loss, lethargy, fainting, coughing up blood and congestive heart failure. A veterinarian can diagnose heartworm by performing a blood test known as a heartworm antigen test. X-rays may also be taken to determine the extent of damage caused by the heartworm on the lungs and heart. To treat heartworm in dogs early detection is crucial. Treatment is a very long and costly process, often with side effects. Sometimes treatment is not an option, particularly in advanced cases or if the dog is suffering from other health complications like heart, liver or kidney function problems. Thankfully heartworm disease in dogs can be easily prevented with a wide range of heartworm preventatives available including tablets, chews, soluble tablets, spot-ons and injections. Preventatives may need to be administered daily, monthly or yearly and are often combined with intestinal worm or flea treatment. Dogs should be started on a heartworm preventative from 6-8 weeks of age and must be started before six months of age. If treatment is not started before six months of age a heartworm test may be required. If a dog is older than six months or their past heartworm prevention history is not known do not just start a heartworm preventative as it can be dangerous in heartworm positive dogs. Consult your veterinarian who will usually conduct a heartworm test prior to the preventative being started. No matter what heartworm treatment you use compliance is most important. It must be administered according to the directions, at the correct dose, at the correct interval and never missing a dose. If a dose or more than one dose is missed you should consult your veterinarian for advice. If you ever have any concerns about your dog's health or think that your dog may be suffering from heartworm disease, please contact your veterinarian immediately. Heartworm

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