Breed: Soft Coated Irish
Wheaten Terrier
Sex: Female
Age: 1 7 months old
Favourite Treat: I love fresh
bones and my Kong toys filled
with my special mince/vegies
Loves: Early morning walks
when it's nice and cool and
hanging with my family laying
about and giving cuddles
Loathes: Being told to go outside
Tricks/Talents: I make my
family laugh, I give "the Wheaten
Kiss" and I can also shake paws
when I want to
Ü If you would like your pet featured here in future issues,
please email us a good quality photo and your answers to
the above questions to mpm@vetnpetdirect.com.au
my pet magazine
My calf is scouring. Is there
anything I can give them to help?
Electrolyte replacement can help in treating
the symptoms of diarrhoea (scours). In many
situations supportive care through electrolyte
replacement can be sufficient during which time
the diarrhoea may self-resolve.
However, the problem is that diarrhoea has a
number of different causes including parasitic,
viral and bacterial, each with their own specific
treatment requirements. If the diarrhoea is
persistent or appears to be spreading in a herd
situation a diagnosis from your veterinarian
should be sought immediately.
Scourban is a popular product for treating
bacterial diarrhoea and coccidiosis. However this
is an S4 Prescription Animal Remedy and as such
can only be supplied to you by the veterinarian
you use to treat your animal.
Please keep in mind that acute diarrhoea can kill
a young animal within 24-48 hours, so seeking
veterinary advice is always recommended.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on the
magazine or any suggestions for content
that you would like to see included!
Email us at mpm@vetnpetdirect.com.au
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answered, or are you searching for some more
information or advice? Why not try visiting the
vet-n-pet DIRECT Help Centre.
This 24/7 online knowledge base is full of Q&As,
articles and information on lots of different topics.
And if you can't find the answer you are looking
for, simply submit the question and one of the
qualified vet-n-pet DIRECT vet nurses will be
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u http://help.vetnpetdirect.com.au