vet-n-pet DIRECT

MyPet Magazine - Issue 16

vet-n-pet DIRECT Online Autumn Catalogue

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4 | my pet magazine tried+teed LUSTRE VET LOOK WHAT'S NEW... Slogan T s now in stock! Ever since we designed these shirts for our staff we have had an overwhelming amount of people asking us where they can get one... so we got some more made up and put them on our website! Life's too short to care about pet hair. If you're a pet lover you know exactly what we mean! On your clothes, in your suitcase, wherever you go - it's always there. A nice little reminder of your furry family =) There are a number of tick species that affect companion animals in Australia including the Brown Dog Tick, Bush Tick, Cattle Tick and the most dangerous species the Paralysis Tick. The peak tick season, when there are higher numbers of adult ticks present, is during the warmer months from August to February. However, ticks can still be found year-round particularly in areas where the climatic conditions remain suitable. All tick species have the ability to make our pets sick, transmit infections, or cause allergic reactions at the bite site or even anemia when found in large numbers. However the paralysis tick is the most deadly with the potential to cause serious illness and even death from only one tick within a matter of days. Due to the small size of ticks it can be hard to tell the difference between species and colour is not always an accurate identification tool. The best way to identify a paralysis tick from the other tick species is that their legs are all bunched up at the front of the body and the middle two pairs of legs are lighter in colour than their others. If you ever find a tick on your pet it should be removed quickly but correctly. Visit the vet-n-pet DIRECT Help Centre for our How To Remove A Tick article. If you find a tick on your pet or your pet it showing any signs of tick paralysis please contact your vet immediately. "I love the smell of this doggie deodorant and it lasts for quite a while... A definite winner!" - Maree E, vet-n-pet DIRECT customer "Leaves a beautiful glossy sheen on my black Oriental cats" - Tiff, vet-n-pet DIRECT customer "My dog smells great with this on. She doesn't seem to mind either." - Steve H, vet-n-pet DIRECT customer TICKS Dogs can smell your feelings! Their super powerful sense of smell can detect subtle changes in your scent, like perspiration when nervous or chemical changes within the body when a person is sick or even pregnant. FAST FACT

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