vet-n-pet DIRECT

MyPet Magazine - Issue 16

vet-n-pet DIRECT Online Autumn Catalogue

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ü Itchy and/or runny eyes ü Itchy ears ü Sneezing ü Vomiting or Diarrhoea If you think that your pet is suffering from an allergy to something you should take them to a veterinarian for a check-up, diagnosis and treatment. A vet will examine your pet, looking for symptoms of an allergic reaction and try to determine the cause. This may involve skin tests/scrapings or blood tests. Some pets may need to see a veterinarian dermatologist for testing and an accurate diagnosis. Often determining the exact allergen, ie narrowing down the exact environmental or food allergen, can involve a process of elimination by removing possible causes and seeing if symptoms reside. Treatment of allergies will vary depending on the suspected allergen or cause. Treatment options may include: ü Preventing or removing the allergen ü Parasite control or treatment ü Bathing using either medicated or skin soothing treatments ü Omega 3, fatty acids or skin supplements ü Antihistamines ü Topical creams ü Cortisone (injection, oral or topical) ü Change in diet ü Treat any secondary infection (often bacterial or fungal infections can develop) If you suspect your cat or dog is suffering from an allergy, or any other health condition, please take them to your veterinarian as soon as possible. Early intervention and treatment is always best. Just like people, our pets can suffer from allergies too.

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